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Mary Harney

Born in Bessborrough Mother and Baby Institution in Cork in 1949. Mary spent two and a half years with her mother in the institution and was then illegally fostered to an elderly couple who neglected and abused her. 


At five years of age Mary was taken to court by the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) officer and a judge sentenced her to the Good Shepherds Industrial school until she was sixteen. The nuns detained Mary for a further six months contrary to the judge’s ruling.


Mary has a Masters in Irish Studies and Human Rights Law from the National University of Ireland Galway and is currently working on her PhD in the Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway.


The Irish Benevolent Society of BC is proud to host
Brigid Festival Vancouver. You can help support us with a donation 

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This volunteer-led event is proudly sponsored by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme, the Vancouver Consulate General of Ireland and a number of local businesses

We acknowledge that this event takes place on the traditional, ancestral

and unceded territories of many different Indigenous communities

stretching across this beautiful land we now call home.

As immigrants, we commit to learning about the rich culture, heritage and traditions of the Host Nations and look forward to working with them in partnership.

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