Kate Smith
Kate Smith is a committee member of Darkness into Light Vancouver, a content coordinator for Irish in BC and runs the Irish in Vancouver Meet Up’s Facebook group.
Kate is originally from Dublin and moved to Canada nearly six years ago. Originally in Toronto, Kate worked in Marketing for Tourism Ireland and was involved with Darkness into Light Toronto. Moving west two years ago, she joined Darkness into Light Vancouver and set up a meet up group for Irish in Vancouver, hosting social events in pubs and organizing hikes and beach gatherings in order to provide an opportunity for people to connect.
Mental Health is a cause close to Kate’s heart as she herself lives with anxiety and depression and is passionate about sharing her story to encourage others to talk openly when they’re struggling. This was her reason for setting up the meet up group, and for her continued involvement in the Darkness Into Light Initiative. Darkness Into Light Vancouver, is a morning walk that involves a 5km walk/run beginning at 4.30am, where participants walk from literal darkness into the morning light all in the name of mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
Kate continues to work in the travel industry but in her spare time is passionate about supporting the Irish Community. When the pandemic hit, she got involved with the Irish COVID Support Group, now Irish in BC. The primary objective of this group is to communicate and connect with all Irish in BC through an online newsletter as well as a strong social media presence.