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Herstory Vancouver - February 2020

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Rosemary & Sal

Rosemary & Sal

Indelible friendship – sisterhood – chosen family, my godmother ROSEMARY MCGUINNESS has instilled in me from an early age an understanding of the richness and necessity of friendship and sharing the precious gift of time.

Brenda & Patricia

Brenda & Patricia

My mother BRENDA (KEATING) WARREN arrived in Vancouver from Dun Laoghaire in 1956 and she brought with her an indomitable talent for sharing everything she loved about her cherished homeland. With the immediate creation of award winning Irish theater groups and a welcoming family home, over 60 years of her proud patriotism has generously graced Vancouver and continues daily to shine brightly from my beautiful and devoted Irish mother.

Marie & Patricia

Marie & Patricia

My mother MARIE LOUISE MARTIN loved life and she is a lady I wish to emulate. She lived with a sense of gratitude in mind, body and spirit. She had spent six months telling the neighbours about her trip to Vancouver and another six months in anticipation of same. She was a gift to my family life here!

Gladys & Maura

Gladys & Maura

My grandmother GLADYS GANNON had a huge influence on all her children and grandchildren. She inspired all of us with her warmth and kindness but particularly with her firm guidance and direction and her love for family. As her eldest grandchild, I was privileged to spend a significant amount of time with her and she is a constant inspiration in my life.

Marie & Oonagh

Marie & Oonagh

My mother MARIE ANGELA O'CONNOR nee Farrell was born in Dublin in 1907 and this photo was taken in Dublin around 1928/29. My mother was one of the bravest most loving women I've ever met in my entire life.

Ciara & Mary

Ciara & Mary

I'd like to nominate my daughter CIARA MCCORMACK who became known in 2019 as the whistleblower in the Whitecaps scandal for her courage in standing up to the bullying and for her ongoing dedication to safe sports for all athletes. Ciara was featured in numerous TV, radio and news media articles after her February 25 blog went viral. After fans (home and visitors) started walking out of Whitecap games at 35 minutes, owners finally recognised her and tried to make amends.

Gracie & Macealach

Gracie & Macealach

My Grandmother – GRACIE [GRÁINNE BN. MHIC GIOLLA BHRÍGHDE] MCBRIDE – was a truly inspiring influence in my life and I am still motivated by her today. Her strength, courage, talent, compassion and faith in the face of adversity still has an affect on me and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I am very proud to be her granddaughter.

Mary & Mary

Mary & Mary

Mary Robinson - She is widely regarded as a transformative figure for Ireland, and for the Irish presidency, revitalising and liberalising a previously conservative, low-profile political office.

Edna & Joyce

Edna & Joyce

My inspiration is Edna O’Brien. Her books were banned, burned and denounced from the pulpit but she persevered and kept writing. She spoke her truth and gave voice and inspiration to a new generation of Irish women writers.

Diana & Fiona

Diana & Fiona

DIANA BERESFORD-KROEGER is a world-recognized botanist, medical biochemist and author whose work combines western scientific knowledge with the ancient Celtic wisdom she was taught as a child. She inspires me because her "bioplan" shows us how trees heal us and -- if we protect our forests and keep planting trees -- the planet may be saved from global warming.

Angela & Erin

Angela & Erin

ANGELA SCANLON inspired me. Talented. Intelligent. Charming. Honest. Funny. Vulnerable. Strong. Beautiful Redhead....Just a few words to describe Angela Scanlon. As an Irish immigrant in London she has been an inspiration to me as an Irish immigrant in Canada. When she finds things that help she spreads the word be it books, crystals, golden milk or through her podcast “Thanks A Million.” She is spreading the attitude of gratitude in a world that needs it. I'm grateful and inspired by Angela Sca

Connie & Erin

Connie & Erin

This is my mother CONNIE MORONEY in the Atlantic having a New Year's Day swim. After immigrating to UK, she came home to Ireland separated when divorce was still illegal in Ireland. She raised my brother and I pretty much on her own. She's worked hard surrounded herself with amazing strong female friends, survived breast cancer and come out the other side with a real love and gratitude for live. At 65 she is now swimming in the Atlantic Ocean daily. The fire that burns within her inspires me.

Nora & Sharon

Nora & Sharon

My mother NORA GREER, raised in Belfast, inspired me through her stoicism, wisdom and patience which in turn gave me the strength and endurance I possess today – she was the sweetest of mothers. She also gave me the gift of a lifelong love and fascination for film.

Catherine & Eilis

Catherine & Eilis

My friend CATHERINE inspires me every day. She has been living and working in Uganda since we volunteered there together in 2007. She supports orphans and vulnerable children by raising funds to educate them so they can achieve their dreams.

Bernadette & Denise

Bernadette & Denise

BERNADETTE DEVLIN MCALISKEY is my inspiration. Last year saw the anniversary of the publication of her memoir "The Price of my Soul." She was a political activist during the Troubles in Northern Ireland and she was fearless, defiant, articulate and had a huge sense of justice. She was elected as an MP to Westminster when she was 21 and remained the youngest female elected until 2015. She survived an assassination attempt on her life and she was concerned with political issues, feminist issues

Sangdeaun & Della

Sangdeaun & Della

SANGDEAUN LEK CHAILERT (Lek) has dedicated her life to advocating for the rights and welfare of the Asian Elephant in Thailand. She is at the forefront of animal rights causes and maintains special relationships with the animals she rescues at the elephant sanctuary which she has founded.

Mary & Deirdre

Mary & Deirdre

I nominate singer MARY BLACK. She is a musical legend and she is inspirational.

Esther & Claire

Esther & Claire

The REVEREND ESTHER NORTH is my inspiration. In 1905, Esther's grandfather left Co. Wicklow for Father Sinnett's Irish settlement in Saskatchewan and 32 years later his first granddaughter, Esther, was born there. Her career took her to CKNW, ordination in the Anglican Church, now a Monument Society and Christchurch Cathedral volunteer.

Nora & Sharon

Nora & Sharon

My mother NORA GREER, raised in Belfast, inspired me through her stoicism, wisdom and patience which in turn gave me the strength and endurance I possess today – she was the sweetest of mothers. She also gave me the gift of a lifelong love and fascination for film.

About HerStory



The discovery that sparked a movement

In contrast to the handful of women we learn about in Irish schools, Herstory discovered that there are over one thousand fascinating women featured in the Dictionary of Irish Biography. The amnesia of women’s stories is not just an Irish problem - this is a global phenomenon.


It's time to rewrite history and the future

History censored women’s stories in the past. Today, popular culture dictates the stories deemed 'worthy' of our attention, diluting women's representation and leaving countless authentic role models in the shadows. Herstory believes no woman’s story is more important than another’s. This is equality.


Herstory is a compassionate feminist movement

Our mission is to give the public authentic female role models and a game-changing egalitarian education programme, inspiring countries around the world to start their own Herstory movements.

The Irish Benevolent Society of BC is proud to host
Brigid Festival Vancouver. You can help support us with a donation 

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This volunteer-led event is proudly sponsored by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme, the Vancouver Consulate General of Ireland and a number of local businesses

We acknowledge that this event takes place on the traditional, ancestral

and unceded territories of many different Indigenous communities

stretching across this beautiful land we now call home.

As immigrants, we commit to learning about the rich culture, heritage and traditions of the Host Nations and look forward to working with them in partnership.

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