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Dr. Elizabeth Shaffer

Elizabeth Shaffer is an Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Information and Executive Director, UBC Residential School History and Dialogue Centre. 


Her current work and research focus on critical enquiry into how information policy, practices and systems emerge and evolve in contemporary digital spaces, with particular attention to social justice issues, impacts of colonialism, and collections that document traumatic human events. 


Prior to joining the IRSHDC, she was Director of Collections at the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre, overseeing initiatives focusing on the digitization, preservation, and pedagogical use of Holocaust survivor testimonies and collections in support of anti-racism education and exhibition curation on issues of genocide. 


Her work is predicated on developing systems, spaces and practices grounded in collaborations in the development of dialogical and transparent information practices, research and pedagogy. 


The Irish Benevolent Society of BC is proud to host
Brigid Festival Vancouver. You can help support us with a donation 

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This volunteer-led event is proudly sponsored by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme, the Vancouver Consulate General of Ireland and a number of local businesses

We acknowledge that this event takes place on the traditional, ancestral

and unceded territories of many different Indigenous communities

stretching across this beautiful land we now call home.

As immigrants, we commit to learning about the rich culture, heritage and traditions of the Host Nations and look forward to working with them in partnership.

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