Dolores Whelan
Dolores Whelan is a teacher, educator, author and spiritual guide within the Celtic spiritual and mythological tradition who advocates the re-emergence of Celtic spirituality, the protection of sacred Celtic landscapes and the celebration of ancient Celtic traditions.
Dolores believes the Celtic tradition is always evolving therefore it is possible for its co-existence within our 21st Century society.
Dolores has been involved with education all her adult life, initially as a biochemistry lecturer, and for the past 25 years as an educator and spiritual guide working in the area of human and spiritual development.
She is author of Your Breaking Point (1993) and Ever Ancient Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century, She is a contributor to Celtic Threads (1999) The Quiet Quarter: Ten Years of Great Irish Writing (2009) and Of Constant Heart (2010) and Brigit: Sun of Womanhood (2013).
She created a CD, A Journey Through the Celtic Year, which explores the wisdom of the Celtic tradition though the Celtic Year calendar and in 2011 co-created with U.S. artist Cynthai Matyi a perpetual Celtic calendar.
She contributes to discussions on Celtic spirituality on radio and television, her most recent appearance was on Nationwide RTE 1 March 2012 and is a regular speaker at events celebrating Irish and Celtic culture at conferences around the world.
Contact: dtwhelan@gmail.com
The Life of Saint Brigid by Anna Egan Smucker,
Appletree Press, 2007
The Rites of Brigid Goddess and Saint by Sean O'Duinn OSB
Columba press Dublin, 2005
Brigit: Sun of Womanhood
Edited by Patricia Monaghan and Michael McDermott
Goddess Ink, 2013
Ever Ancient Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century
By Dolores Whelan
Original Writing Ltd., 2011
Saint Brigid of Kildare: The Life, Legends,
and Legacy of One of Ireland's Patron Saints
By Charles Rivers
Independently published, 2020