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Deirdre Keohane

Deirdre Keohane is an award-winning Irish/Canadian artist whose work has been exhibited in both Ireland, Canada and the USA.


As part of the 2020 Bridget's Day Festival Vancouver Deirdre ran the very successful cross-making workshop.


Deirdre was born in Canada to Irish parents who returned to live in Cork with their family in 1972.


She is the artist behind the magnificent St. Brigid’s artwork featured on the Brigid’s Day Festival Vancouver website and much of her work has been inspired by Ireland’s matriarchal saint.


Deirdre is a graduate of the Limerick College of Art and Design with an honours H.Dip in Art Education.


Her work has been collected by many high profile Irish figures including Irish singer Mary Black who featured her work on the cover of her album “Stories from the Steeples.”


In 2013 Deirdre’s work was selected by the Clonakilty Town Council to be presented to the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins as a gift during a visit to Cork. 


In 2002 she travelled to Belarus as the resident artist with Chernobyl Children's Project, founded by Adi Roche, the Irish humanitarian, activist, and campaigner for nuclear disarmament.


In Ireland she has worked with youth mental health and the Special Olympics. She also founded the Clonakilty Community Art Centre in Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 


In 2015 Deirdre returned to British Columbia where she works in special needs education and is an active artist in her neighbourhood, the Downtown Eastside.


For more information about her work, visit:


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This volunteer-led event is proudly sponsored by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme, the Vancouver Consulate General of Ireland and a number of local businesses

We acknowledge that this event takes place on the traditional, ancestral

and unceded territories of many different Indigenous communities

stretching across this beautiful land we now call home.

As immigrants, we commit to learning about the rich culture, heritage and traditions of the Host Nations and look forward to working with them in partnership.

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