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Ailbhe Smyth

Ailbhe Smyth is an Irish academic, feminist and LGBTQ activist. She was the founding director of the Women's Education, Resource and Research Centre (WERRC), University College Dublin (UCD).


She is also Chair of Women's Aid Ireland (Ireland’s domestic violence organization).


Smyth was a co-director of the Together for Yes national referendum campaign on abortion, and spokeswoman and convener for the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment. 


She is also a founding member of Marriage Equality, convenor of Feminist Open Forum, an organizer for Action for Choice, a board member of Equality and Rights Alliance.


She chaired the National LGBT Federation for over 10 years and in 2015 she received the 'Lifetime Achievement' award at the GALAS, Ireland's LGBTQ Awards Ceremony.


In 2019, Smyth was named as one of the Time 100 most influential people alongside the other co-directors of Together for Yes, Grainne Griffin and Orla O'Connor, in recognition of their roles within the campaign to legalize abortion in Ireland.


Ailbhe was twice nominated by the Minister for Education to serve on the board of the Higher Education Authority and has also served as a Trustee of the National Library of Ireland.


She is also Chair of Ballyfermot STAR Addiction Services, and a member of the board of Age Action.


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This volunteer-led event is proudly sponsored by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme, the Vancouver Consulate General of Ireland and a number of local businesses

We acknowledge that this event takes place on the traditional, ancestral

and unceded territories of many different Indigenous communities

stretching across this beautiful land we now call home.

As immigrants, we commit to learning about the rich culture, heritage and traditions of the Host Nations and look forward to working with them in partnership.

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